Citizen 110: Foundation

This class was titled “Bodies and Citizens”. We discussed many heavy topics such as oppression and segregation. There was also a large focus on women’s rights. I found this class to be one of my favorites for many reasons!

I really enjoyed how collaborative the class was. We worked with a group of four classmates throughout the semester. My group met outside of class to put together powerpoints and speeches with class-related content. Over time, we actually became very good friends. This was partially due to the fact that the content of the class was very intriguing, so we all shared a desire to learn more.

I also liked how the class was formatted. We had an article to annotate each night for homework and then we would return to class and have an open discussion about our thoughts and opinions on the topics covered. The work was challenging, as the articles were long and often utilized old-english, but I never felt overwhelmed or rushed. The professor did a very good job of maintaining sensitivity for certain topics while also allowing different opinions and concerns to be voiced. Of course not everyone agreed on everything, but hearing different viewpoints allowed for an expansion of individual and group knowledge.

Artifact description:

This is an example of one of the powerpoints my group made. For this assignment, we focused on postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a very serious condition that affects many women who give birth. Many of us had little knowledge on this topic. After learning about the signs, symptoms, and treatments of this disease, we were better able to gain sympathy for individuals who experience it as well as understand how to help them cope.