Honors 490: Study Abroad

STUDY ABROAD (the covid version). Unfortunately, travel was not an option for me this semester. However, I was able to partake in a virtual study abroad. Longwood University joined together with several Dutch students and professors in order to partake in a class all about social innovation.

Once we had the foundation of what social innovation was, we were asked to partner up and create a social innovation of our own. My team chose to make an app called “time to chit-chat”. The purpose of our app was to connect healthcare workers with each other in an attempt to give them a socially distanced way to communicate after hours.

We found that both Dutch healthcare workers and American healthcare workers faced many of the same challenges while trying to prevent the spread of Covid-19. It was so interesting to talk to the Dutch students about how their government was handling the situation much different than ours.

After the design for our app was finished, we were asked to make a podcast explaining our app to the class. This was difficult as we had to meet in order to record, but the Dutch students lived in a much different time zone than us. However, everyone was super flexible and we had fun getting the job done.


This is the advertisement for our social innovation!