
Scholarship has always been a major part of my life. My life is centered around my schooling. After graduating high school with Sum Cum Laude I have pushed myself to strive to be the best at Longwood. My classes that are focused on fulfilling my honors, General Education, and major requirements are what I have justified as most important. In addition to those three main requirements, I also hope to challenge myself with other elective and honors classes.

My academics in fall 2016 and spring 2017 were not only challenging but also rewarding. My course load was dense in prerequisites for my nursing major and honors classes. With my first semester having sixteen credits and my spring semester at seventeen it was definitely time consuming and difficult. My favorite courses included Anatomy and Physiology I and II, Chemistry 101, History 110, Education 245, and Honors 201. These courses have some similarities, but for the most part they are very diverse. My science-based classes will always have a special place in my heart, but the alternatives, such as History 110, Education 245, and Honors 201, made me feel a new passion for knowledge in their fields.

I hope to keep scholarship as one of my main priorities while I continue with my nursing degree at Longwood. I will continue to challenge myself and have an ever-expanding desire to gain more knowledge in all fields of study.

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