Letter to Senior Self

Dear Senior Self,

I hope you are reading this and you’re about to graduate, receive your diploma, and take your NCLEX test. In order for you to have reach this point, you must have reached at least a few of my goals for my undergraduate degree.

Goal 1) Keep a positive outlook on life, even when life seems difficult.
Not everything in the next 3 years will be easy. When tough times come, it is important that you keep an eye on the prize and find a silver lining. No matter is it challenges in course, family problems, or difficulties with managing commitments it is crucial to not lose hope.

Goal 2) Dedicate time to things that matter most.
There will be constant distractions that may have side tracked you from the main purpose of your involvements and commitments. It is your goal to curb the urges to cave and stay focused on things that matter the most, taking advantage of a great education, staying true to your friends and peers, and remaining dedicated to those who you have committed to.

Goal 3) Become the person you wish to be.
College is the time to experiment and determine what techniques and strategies work best for you. I hope by now after many trial and error you know who you want to be. Longwood University is a place that creates incredible citizen leaders. I expect that by the time you reach this stage in your life you have an idea on what type of citizen leader you are and how you hope to impact the world.

It is important to me that you have reached all three of these goals in the four years of you being a Longwood Lancer. As you are a strong individual graduating from a great college with a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing you can and will do great things that will affect many communities and maybe even the entire world.

Your Freshman Self