In a time where mental health is more focused on and being recognized as important, I was very excited to see Longwood offering a course such as this. Students put a lot of stress and pressure on themselves to succeed, and it can be very difficult. Having a course such as this to teach about stress and stress-management, as well as actual techniques used in therapy is a great addition to a college curriculum. Especially as a senior, it is a very nice change of pace from the monotony that can come from another major course. Young people today learn to work hard, get good grades, get a good job, and success and happiness will follow. Along this path, it can be easy sometimes to lose sense of yourself, and this course teaches you that while that is important, it is also important to not take life so seriously sometimes, and to enjoy the journey, and to not just grind out for the final destination.
As part of this course, we had a day where someone came to class and taught us how to make little clay pinch pots. This sort of activity is not one that I would have expected out of a college class, but that is the exact reason why I found it so fun and helpful. Learning to enjoy what you’re doing, even if it’s class, is a very important lesson to learn, and I learned it due to this course. Being mindful while doing a task, no matter the task, is important and will help. The assignments and reflections done for this course are personal, and for that reason I will not be attaching an assignment to this page.