
Why I Chose Psychology

Mental health became a very important topic to me since the start of my undergraduate schooling. Because our mental health lacks the physical and visually noticeable qualities compared to physical health, disorders that affect our wellbeing are all too often stigmatized and neglected. Gaining that greater understanding of the human mind and how it functions to elicit certain behaviors has helped me advocate for mental health awareness, in a way that has strengthened my career goals as a Licensed Pediatric Counselor. Back when I had decided to declare a Psychology minor, I also took into account the many different subfields it has to offer; I would never feel bored because so many outlets were at the tips of my fingers. And better yet, each subfield is plays its own crucial role to human development.

I had spent so long going through the motions in my previous career route, as a pre-service teacher, that I wanted my fresh start to be worth it, something I knew I felt passionate about. I also came in acknowledging that merely a minor in Psychology would not provide me with adequate job opportunities, which is why I had later obtained my master’s degree in my current field.

Relevant Coursework from Longwood University

Course ID Course Name
ENGL 382 Grammar: Theory and Practice
ENGL 380 Children’s Literature
ENGL 400 Advanced Writing Seminar
BIOL 114 Fundamentals of Life Sciences
PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 371 Infant and Child Development
PSYC 331 Social Psychology
CSDS 285 Language Development Across Life Span
ENGL 319 Technical Writing

It seems apparent that my Psychology courses have somehow classified in my concentration toward therapy for children. I am knowledgable in the basics of Psychology, how prenatal and child development occur throughout the lifespan, and how our behaviors interact with the social environments we live in. However, the courses not related to Psychology also support my profession in many ways.

During my sessions with children, I sometimes take their language development into account, focusing on their use of language as well as their grammar. This aids me in making certain decisions on action plans. I also use children’s literature as tools during sessions, in order to help children destress and make connections to the obstacles in their everyday lives. My professional and technical writing courses help me in the notes that I take in the office, as well as my therapy plans for each client. At times I have to generate professional letters, memos, and emails in order to communicate effectively with colleagues and parents. In my field I am also encouraged to perform research, in which my professional writing course offers me with background knowledge on those procedures. The life sciences course introduced me to the more physical development of humans, including genetic and physiological factors, that definitely need to be considered during counseling sessions.