
Service is one of the most prominent pillars of the Cormier Honors College, being instilled in new students during the Honors Retreat.

Closing the Honors retreat with a volunteer opportunity, other honors students and I worked at Tail Waggers, a local thrift store that uses its profits to support the Southside SPCA. Students assisted Tail Waggers staff in the moving and organizing of miscellaneous items in the thrift store. Arriving in the early afternoon, we volunteered for several hours with other students and mentors. Though this work was extremely exhausting and did not get fully completed, it provided a great opportunity for students to get to know each other and created a sense of community among the students that volunteered that afternoon.

Several weeks later, a group of students returned to Tail Waggers to complete the task that had been left unfinished the trip prior. Working with a different group of students, some of the students from the original trip had returned, further strengthening a sense of community among all of the student volunteers.