
Introduced to the Honors College community during honors preview night, I could not wait to be a part of the close-knit community that I saw.

Arriving at Longwood for the annual Honors Retreat, I instantly felt a sense of belonging not only to my peers but other students that were assisting with the retreat. Moving onto campus, I was greeted by groups of mentors welcoming me to Longwood University and into the Cormier Honors College. These mentors assisted in the move-in process and took the time to personally speak with students. This attempt in getting to know new students and welcoming them onto campus shows the dedication that the Cormier Honors College has to their community.

One specific instance of this dedication to community that I remember took place at the Sandy River Adventure Park. I had completed my fair share of high ropes courses, calling it a day and sitting with a mentor whom I had never spoken to before. This mentor introduced herself and almost immediately began speaking with me as if we were close friends.

Throughout the Honors Retreat and during the school year, the Cormier Honors College has led me to some of my most cherished friendships that I am sure will continue through my years at Longwood and even after I graduate.