Honors HIST 110

Honors Modern Western Civilization

Spring 2018

Learning about the history of the western world from the 16th century to today, I not only learned about the history but how it affected and influenced other historical events that I had not realized were even remotely related. Throughout the semester we learned about everything from Absolutism to the French Revolution to Chilean history and even the history of Islam. Additionally, in this course, I further learned the difference between honors and non-honors courses. In this class, instead of taking quizzes or tests at regular intervals, we were assigned papers and had to prepare for in-class discussions.

In my opinion, the most interesting topic that we discussed in this class was the history of the Islam religion. While learning about this, students read Reza Aslan’s book, No god but God: The Origins Evolution and Future of Islam. Through reading this book I learned a lot of information about the Islam religion that I had not previously known. Completing this unit, students were asked to write a paper about one topic discussed in Aslan’s book and how we believe that topic can reveal the true history of islam to an audience that does not know much about the subject. The paper that I wrote can be found below.

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