
Welcome to the e-portfolio of Andrew Harnois.

In this e-portfolio, you may find information about myself, my experiences in the Cormier Honors College, and the classes that I am currently taking at Longwood University. Specifically, you can find:

Biography – 

About Me

A little bit of information about myself.

Letter to My Senior Self

A letter written to my future self.



My experience with the Cormier Honors College honors courses.


My experience with service in the Cormier Honors College.


My experience with the Cormier Honors College community.

General Education Courses

Goal 1: LSEM 100

Honors Longwood Seminar | Fall 2017

Goal 2: ENGL 165

Rhetoric and Writing | Spring 2019

Goal 4: MUSC 224

Honors Music Appreciation | Fall 2018

Goal 6: BIOL 101

Honors Biological Concepts | Fall 2017

Goal 7: HIST 110

Honors Modern Western Civilization | Spring 2018

Goal 8: SOCL 105

Sociology in Practice | Spring 2019/p>

Goal 12: CTZN 110

Inhabiting & Constructing an Ethical Digital World | Fall 2017

Honors Courses

Honors LSEM 100

Honors Longwood Seminar 100 | Fall 2017

Honors MUSC 224

Honors Music Appreciation | Fall 2018

Honors BIOL 101

Honors Introduction to Biology 101 | Fall 2017

Honors HIST 110

Honors Modern Western Civilization 110 | Spring 2018
