Dear Senior Me,
I have a lot of hopes for you. I hope that you feel confident as you apply for graduate programs, knowing you have worked hard in your classes not simply to maintain a high GPA but to accumulate knowledge about speech-language pathology that will serve you well in your career. I hope you feel that your time at Longwood has challenged you and pushed you to think in new ways and discover new things about yourself. I hope and trust that you can look back on the version of you that wrote this and feel you have grown, that you are an even stronger and more confident individual now than when you started college. I hope you feel that you have taken advantage of all that Longwood has to offer you, and have been an active participant in this growth. I hope you have made strong connections with your fellow lancers and many wonderful memories. I hope that a part of you will be sad to leave Longwood, but that you will be excited for where your future takes you.
Me in May of 2016