
Overall, this course was and will be very beneficial to me once I begin my career upon graduation. Prior to taking this course, I was unsure of how to correctly formulate these different documents in order to make them effective. I was not confident about creating any of these documents at first, but after learning about the different aspects of these assignments, my confidence level increased when it came to professional writing. I am very proud of the work that I created throughout this course and the knowledge that I have gained in the process of doing so. I can now create professional documents with the reassurance that I have the knowledge on how to do so. I have implemented the three rhetorical strategies into all of my work in order to create ethos, pathos, and logos in all of my work. I feel more comfortable collaborating with others in order to complete a task. I have also learned how to discuss different topics inside the classroom. Before taking this course, I rarely spoke during class. However, this course has allowed me to be more open about the idea of discussing different matters in the classroom. I am going to take the knowledge that I have acquired from this class and not only use it in my other classes, but also in my workplace as well. This course also allowed me to build onto my public speaking and better myself in that field. Once I graduate, I will be using a number of these different  assignments in my every day life.  I am really glad that I got the opportunity to take the class and look forward to implementing what I have learned in other situations.