Hamid Kashif
SOC 345
Dr. Pederson
Final paper
The purpose of this literature review is targeted at parents and aims to let parents know that students without family support have lower motivation and excitement towards school. We used qualitative and quantitative and conducted a survey we sent to head start. The quantitative data was the close ended question on our code book, and the qualitative data was the open-ended questions on the survey.The independent variable was is the activity enjoyable. The dependent variable was parental involvement. The study found that parents who do not take the initiative to be active in their childs education harms their child’s academic exellence. (Guzman 2014)
I took the initiative to research the effect of family involvement in the project’s success because, in real life thinking about issues that are relevant, many students have issues being successful in their academics because of a lack of family involvement. (Kessler 2010, Broussard 2000) The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of family involvement in completing tasks. The participants were kids in preschool and their parents. The research took place in the head start program and in the home. The data that will be collected is surveys and interviews. The implications are that they may have not liked the project or could have been too busy to complete the project. There were also not that many people the survey sample was very small.
My research question is does having a family who isn’t involved in their academics have an effect on the child’s academic success? My hypothesis is that the children will do better if their parents show they care and make time to get involved in their academics. The study is important because our children’s education is the key to our future. Our current doctors and lawyers will die off one day as time passes by. Who will replace these doctors or treat the doctors unable to perform surgery on themselves. Who will defend and protect the rights of people accused of committing a crime?
Students without family support have lower motivation and excitement towards school; this has been proven by studies and also happens to be my thesis (Kessler 2010, Broussard 2000). When parents are involved with their children’s academics, the child is more likely to develop a positive attitude towards school, which makes them more receptive to information (Broussard 2000). Parental involvement is defined as a parent or parents being involved in their childs life. The information in this same paragraph in the sentences above is important because it impacts every child’s life. Every child is mandated to attend school at least until the age of 18 yrs old. It matters to parents, teachers, children and also the community. My literature review will focus on how parental involvement in their child’s education is intertwined with the childs academic success. Social conflict theory states that people within a group communicate with others in their specific group who may share the same conflict. The purpose of the study is to explore the effect of family involvement in completing tasks.
Parental involvement is very important. Single mothers and single fathers should be more attentive to their children’s grades and school life. The problem is many single parents struggle to find time to participate in extracurricular school events, because of the amount of hours they have to work to provide for their children. It remains to be discovered how much of an effect both parents’ involvement will aid the child. Parents are seen as valuable resources in their son’s or daughter’s education (Sutterby, 2016) (Wilson, 2010).
Literature review
The purpose of this literature review is targeted at parents and aims to let parents know that students without family support have lower motivation and excitement towards school; this has been proven by studies and also happens to be my thesis (Kessler 2010, Broussard 2000). When parents are involved with their children’s academics, the child is more likely to develop a positive attitude towards school, which makes them more receptive to information (Broussard 2000). Parental involvement is defined as a parent or parents being involved in their childs life. The information in this same paragraph in the sentences above is important because it impacts every child’s life. Every child is mandated to attend school at least until the age of 18 yrs old. It matters to parents, teachers, children and also the community. My literature review will focus on how parental involvement in their child’s education is intertwined with the childs academic success. Social conflict theory states that people within a group communicate with others in their specific group who may share the same conflict.
Single mothers and single fathers are concerned with their children’s grades and school life. The problem is many single parents struggle to find time to participate in extracurricular school events, because of the amount of hours they have to work to provide for their children. It remains to be discovered how much of an effect both parents’ involvement will aid the child. Parents are seen as valuable resources in their son’s or daughter’s education (Sutterby, 2016) (Wilson, 2010).
Two parent homes for a child will generally have more resources than a child with one parent. Children who lacked support at home could not keep up with the other children (Coleman, 1966). Coleman discussed how wealth did not just play a factor in academic achievement but in grasping material in the classroom.
Working class parents who are involved in their kids education have a harder time supporting their children financially, which leads to the less fortunate members of society attending schools that are less prestigious and easier to get into (Ambler and Neathery 1999) (Bastedo and Jaquette 2011). Students with more money could have had more academic success because of the availability to hire tutors and through socio academa. Research shows the connection between economic status and receiving a higher education. (Ayalon, 2018)
Data and methodology
Instrument: A survey was designed in the form of a questionnaire. The survey had open ended questions and close ended questions. The survey was meant to collect data on the activities to study how much and why the families from headstart enjoyed the activities.
Sample: The sample include 51 people in total, however only 11 people returned back the questionnaires that were sent out. We also attached a kids book in class with the survey before we sent them out. In total percentage wise only 22% of surveys were returned back to us. Even after a reminder sent out to parents to return the questionnaires.
Quantitative analysis
Our quantitative analysis is the closed ended questions. For this study the dependent variable was how much time did you spend on the activity?. The questions to measure the dependent variable was How much time did you spend on the project? “Less than or equal to 10 mins”, “11-20 mins”, “21-30 mins”, “More than 30 mins”.
The independent variable was the activity enjoyable.
The question used to measure this was did you complete the activity? The answer choices for the previous question are “yes”, “started but did not complete” “and no”.
Qualitative analysis
The qualitative analysis is the open ended questions. The open ended question was “what did your family enjoy most about these activities”, “what recommendations would you suggest to make these activities better?” , and “what are your favorite ways to spend time with your child?”.
Quantitative findings
Figure 1
Did Your Family Complete This Activity
Started but didn’t complete
Nine families completed the activity. One family started but did not complete the activity. There are many different reasons for why the one family may have not completed the activity. The independent variable was is the activity enjoyable. The dependent variable is parental involvement.
Figure 2
How Much Time Did You Spend On The Project
How much time did you spend on the project?
Less than or equal to 10 mins,
11-20 mins
21-30 mins
More than 30 mins
One family did not complete the activity they took less than 10 minutes. Three families completed the activity in 11-20 minutes. 4 families completed it in 21-30 minutes. Three families completed the activity in more than 30 mins.
3. Bivariate
Figure 3
How Much Time Did You Spend On The Project and Did Your Family Complete This Activity
Less than or equal to 10 mins | 11-20 mins | 21-30 mins | More than 30 mins | ||||
YesStarted but not completedno | 0 1 0 | 3 0 0 | 4 0 0 | 3 0 0 |
Note. For my bivariate the quantitative findings were examined using descriptive statistics
Then independent is how much time was spent on the project. Of the 11 responses 3 people said 11-20 mins, 4 said 21-30 mins, 3 people said more than 30 mins and one person said they took less than 10 mins.
Qualitative Findings
We coded in the project using a program called SPSS. In the code book I identified three themes in which parents were asked about things that they enjoyed. Which were spending time together, learning new things and having fun with their family. The theme of the family enjoying the activity can be seen when Respondent B states “Spending time together and learning new things”. The respondent said that the activity made the family spend time together and learn. Them learning made them enjoy the project more because it is something new they get to experience with their family than if it would have been an activity done alone. For example if the activity didn’t give the family any learning experiences then the family may not have enjoyed the activity as much. The theme of the family enjoying the activity can be seen when Respondent C states “The family time spent together”. The respondent said that the activity getting the family more involved made them enjoy the project more than if it would have been something that didn’t bring the family together. For example if the activity was done by one family member the activity would not have been as enjoyable.
Families that were more involved in their children’s education did better in school than the children who’s family were not involved. Students without family support have lower motivation and excitement towards school; this has been proven by studies and was also my thesis (Kessler 2010, Broussard 2000). When parents are involved with their children’s academics, the child is more likely to develop a positive attitude towards school, which makes them more receptive to information (Broussard 2000). Many students have issues being successful in their academics because of a lack of family involvement. (Kessler 2010, Broussard 2000) Our children’s education is the key to our future. Our current doctors and lawyers will die off one day as time passes by. This is why families should be involved to ensure the highest academic success.
Sutterby, J. A. (2017). Family involvement in early
education and child care (Ser. Advances in early education and day care, v. 20). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Retrieved September 22, 2021, from INSERT-MISSING-URL.
Kessler, J., & Trevecca Nazarene University. School of Education. (2010). The effects of family involvement training for english language learners in an elementary school (dissertation).
wilson, B. ray. (2010). parental involvement and academic success. https://www.proquest.com/docview/305082569. Retrieved September 26, 2021.
ayalon , H. (2018, April 13). Economic achievements of non economic parents and patterns of enrollment in higher education of their children. Shibboleth authentication request. Retrieved September 26, 2021, from https://web-a-ebscohost-com.proxy.longwood.edu/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=1&sid=ccef0135-2039-4878-875a-aa61ee3f3d9e%40sessionmgr4007.
Jeynes, W. (2010). Parental involvement and academic success. Taylor & Francis. Retrieved September 26, 2021, from INSERT-MISSING-URL.
Jeynes, W. (2012). Divorce family structure and the academic success of children. Taylor and Francis. Retrieved September 26, 2021, from https://public.ebookcentral.proquest.com/choice/publicfullrecord.aspx?p=1099068.
Guzman, B. (2014). A middle school family involvement program to foster the academic success and college attainment for latino students: a grant proposal (dissertation).
Robinson, K., & Harris, A. L. (2014). The broken compass : parental involvement with children’s education. Harvard University Press. https://doi.org/10.4159/harvard.9780674726291