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Human Growth and Development (EDUC 245)

This class was a very fun class once I got used to how the class was run. The first few classes, I struggled to keep up with the powerpoints, so I started bringing my laptop and pulled up the slides so I could go a little faster and catch up when I needed to. Once we got into the semester more, we began to use props and more visual aids to understand what we were learning.

We were assigned to write a research paper that had to do with anything relating to how a human develops. Below is my research paper on how technology can affect a classroom. I selected this topic because I am studying to be a teacher so I knew that technology will be a big part of my teaching style. During my research, I came across many articles that supported the use of technology. There were also some negative articles, but some of them were very outdated and were only relevant when technology was an up-and-coming everyday item in the classroom.