General Education Courses

  • Goals Completed
    • Before Longwood
      • Goal 2
      • Goal 8
    • Goal 5 is waived for math majors
    • Fall 2017
      • Goal 1
      • Goal 4
      • Goal 11
    • Spring 2018
      • Goal 3
    • Fall 2018
      • Goal 10
    • Spring 2019
      • Goal 6
      • Goal 9 — waived from study abroad
      • Goal 12
    • Fall 2019
      • Goal 7
  • Goals Uncompleted
    • Goal 13
    • Goal 14 — Student Teaching

Goal 1: Longwood Seminar (LSEM 100) [Honors]

Follow the link for description: Longwood Seminar (LSEM 100)

Goal 3: World Literature (ENGL 201) [Honors]

Follow the link for the description: World Literature (ENGL 201)

Goal 4: Issues in Theatre (THEA 101)

Throughout the course, my professor challenged us to participate in class doing various exercises relating to the topic at hand. Sometimes it was reading lines from a play, others it was showing how different emotions change a scene. We were also required to go to two plays put on by Longwood students, Macbeth and Everyman. After we watched …

Goal 6: Biological Concepts (BIOL 101)

At the beginning of this class, I was very excited to learn more about the subject. I was very disappointed with how the class was run and I felt that I didn’t really learn in the class like I thought it would. The class taught me patience and tolerance since I was very frustrated with …

Goal 7: Historical Inquiry I (HIST 150)

During this class, we had weekly readings and a day of discussion about the readings.  This made sure that everyone could relate what was read to different comparisons of scenarios or make an opinion around the topic. It helped develop more understanding of the time period that we were learning, A struggle in the class …

Goal 10: Intermediate Integrated Language and Culture I (SPAN 211)

After struggling over the summer taking SPAN 102, I was worried that this class was going to follow the same path. Once I got in the class and had a couple days of class, I knew there wasn’t much to worry about. The professor was very laid back and only cared that you tried to …

Goal 11: Fitness Concepts (PHED 101)

This class was about how different exercises affect different body parts and muscles. We were also required to keep biweekly reflections about steps taken during the weeks. I accomplished the goal of 70,000 steps almost every week. Having soccer practice twice a week helped because on those days I achieved well over 10,000 steps. In …

Goal 12: Ethical Issues in Math and Computer Science (MATH 350)

During this class, we talk about many ethical issues in the math and computer science field, although it covered more computer science than math. The class definitely develop my problem solving like a traditional math class would. I had to think critically about each situation to see why it is ethically wrong or right, then …