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Goal 12: Ethical Issues in Math and Computer Science (MATH 350)

During this class, we talk about many ethical issues in the math and computer science field, although it covered more computer science than math. The class definitely develop my problem solving like a traditional math class would. I had to think critically about each situation to see why it is ethically wrong or right, then try to find a solution if it is ethically wrong.

The artifact I chose was my final paper for the class. We had to choose a debate topic that wasn’t our own to talk about what the debaters said and then do our own ethical analysis. During this paper, I had to make sure I could find enough of my own research and opinion for the debate topic so that I could chose that for the paper. It taught me how to skim research topics to determine what information I could use for each topic. It also helped develop my persuasive and informative writing skills. I always struggle with writing, so having a different style paper challenged me which I enjoyed.