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Study Abroad — Barcelona & Madrid, Spain

Math 320 was a class that I knew I needed to take because I needed math history for my secondary education concentration and a study abroad for honors. My whole freshman year I waited to hear where my classmates and I would be going to in May of 2019 since the class is only offered every other spring semester. Of course, I was excited for any place in the world that was selected for the class, but I was especially excited to hear we were headed to Spain. Since Longwood requires a foreign language, I choose to take Spanish since that is what I took in high school, so I was excited to try to use what I knew in the language to try to communicate with the citizens of Spain.

The trip itself was an amazing experience. I tried lots of different foods, which was a big step out of my comfort zone because I am a picky eater. I talked to many people in my attempts to speak Spanish, but luckily some of my classmates spoke it a little better than me to help me along. The sights that we saw were amazing. There were so many beautiful buildings, landscapes, and views on the trip. The highlight of the sights was the Sagrada Familia pictured below. The building tells the story of Jesus in the facades of the church. Every piece of the building had a meaning and a story. The most incredible part is that the construction of it has been ongoing for about 140 and it is scheduled to be completed in 2026. The story behind the church helped me learn about the history that surrounded it.