Monthly Archives: March 2019

Civility on Social Media

Nowadays, social media has become a place that harvests a bit more negativity than others may like to see. It seems to be common for others to bash people on social media, and even shame others. With so much hate and negativity online, the question then becomes, how can we bring back civility in an appropriate manner- in which there is no harshness or condescending nature? I feel that it only takes one person to start trying, in order for others to notice and do the same. If one person decides that they can make just a bit of difference, others will notice and start to take charge as well. I feel that as long as you personally are being a good citizen, and can uphold a good reputation, then thats all that you can personally do other than encouraging others to do the same by showing them the positive outcomes. It feels good to be a good citizen and to know that you are doing good for yourself and society. Just one little change can cause a chain reaction, but you won’t make a difference at all if you never try. In the end, if at least one person can start to do better for themselves and become a positive role model for others online, that itself will already make a small difference, and will in turn encourage others to do the same, leading to hopefully more civility online and more positivity as well.


Ethical Dilemma’s on Social Media

Social media is commonly filled with things we call “ethical dilemma’s”, in which individuals often consider what is morally right to do on social media. One concern that I’ve always had dealing with ethical dilemmas on social media, is the use of photoshop, and primarily the use of photoshop by “instagramĀ models” and other known celebrities. The problem is, is it okay to lie online about your physical appearance? Is it ethical to alter pictures of one’s body to make your appearanceĀ more appealing to gain likes and followers, which don’t even know the truth behind the pictures being posted? What these models do, is contort their appearance with the use of photoshop, claiming that their body is naturally that way, which is not only lying to the public and their followers but also creating unrealistic expectations of body types. The photos being posted are mainly models shaping their waists to be skinnier as well as touching up facial features. In my opinion, I believe the situation to be morally wrong. This gives the public a false image of these model’s appearances. I believe this situation to be wrong, as it sets up unrealistic body expectations, specifically for younger girls. This can, in turn, create many problems, such as insecurity of physical appearance in younger girls, as well as the start of eating disorders or even beginning to use photoshop themselves. It teaches people not to be okay with their own bodies; it teaches the public and the younger generation to constantly criticize and compare themselves to others, and that their own body is not “enough” for societies expectations.