ENGL165 Writing and Rhetoric

I took this class in the spring semester of 2019. This was my third honors class but first English class at Longwood. I knew this class had to do with structures of writing but I was not sure what exactly we would be working on. This class focused on the different types of writing structures and also helped me identify my strengths and witnesses in my writing. The class helped me work on my writings for future college papers.

This course has helped me figure out what sources to use and which ones weren’t good to use. I’ve learned how to order my papers together to make them more appealing and more interesting. We had to write a few papers in this class and one was a personal essay. My personal essay was about the hardships throughout my life, having helicopter parents, and what I’ve had to do to get through it all. This paper had a lot of thought into it and a lot of planning before writing it because it had many different events in it. This class helped with this paper because we learned how to use structures to form our papers and we learned about PATHOS which what was my paper was written on. For sure, this class has and will help me in the future with my college papers.