CTZN 110 – Bodies and Citizens

I took this class in the fall semester of 2018. CTZN 110 was the first honors course that I had taken. My perspective of the class was different before I got to the class because I thought it would be talking about different citizenships in different countries. The course was called Bodies and Citizens, which meant it was about how people’s different physiques determined their citizenship.

This course was speaking infused which was a little intimidating because everyone in my class would speak. It would be intimidating because I would raise my hand and wait for my turn to talk but others would say what I was going to say before it got to me. It was a very interesting class because we talked about topics that you might have heard about but never really went into detail. With bodies and citizens, there are things that you wouldn’t have known were connected to citizenship. For our final project, we had to design a syllabus for a mock course that related to bodies and citizens. I liked this project because it gave us a lot of room to work on a topic that we were interested in. For my topic, I chose helicopter parents because I felt that I could relate to it and be able to give as much information that I know. In this course, I have learned many interesting things about our history and what has happened in the past for citizenship.