MATH 171 – Statistical Decision Making

I took this class in the fall semester of 2019 and it was the first math class that I had taken at Longwood. This class was also a nursing requirement. I always excelled in my math classes in high school and I genuinely enjoy doing math. I never took a statistics class in high school so I was curious and excited to take this one. It was definitely harder than I thought it was going to be. Word problems in math sometimes makes it hard for me and statistics was all word problems.

We had to write papers for this class and for our first paperĀ I wrote about data that showed two confidence intervals of the highest temperatures during the summer at Lancer Park over a two year period to compare them because I felt that this would help with students who stay in Lancer Park over the summer. This would help them figure out what they should bring or do in a hotter environment compared to the fall and spring during conduct two confidence intervals of the high temperatures in the summer season at Lancer Park over a two year time period and to compare the two. I chose this because it would help students who stay in Lancer Park over the summer figure out what they need to bring or what they need to do in a hotter setting. I thought this was interesting how they use math to determine these type of things based on data.