Letter to Senior Self

Dear Senior Angelika,


You’re finally done with your first year of college! This year has been a huge change to your life. You’ve made many friends and have had new experiences happen to you. You’ve had many bumps in the road and you’re still going through it, but I know you can make it. You’re gonna be an honors mentor this upcoming fall and I know you’re excited to welcome these new freshmen in.


You’ve made many good relationships with everyone you’ve met and hopefully you’ll keep them through out the rest of college. I know that you were nervous coming into the Nursing Program and there have been many hardships that held you back but I know you’ll keep on looking forward to do what you can to be successful.


I hope by the time you get to the end of your senior year, you’ll be ready for what’s coming in your future and your career in Nursing. I have faith in you that you’ll be ready to get out and do what you love as a nurse.


Yours truly,

Freshman Angelika