Welcome to my portfolio!

Personal Profile:

My name is Emma Giambalvo, and I am a Senior at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia. I am a Communication Studies major with a concentration in Digital Media. I plan on graduating from Longwood this May, 2020. As a student here, I have participated in several professional experiences. These include obtaining an internship in the Media and Communications Department last spring, and have participated in two professional mock press conferences. My skills include several advanced editing techniques as well as writing. I have gained professional skills in networking, creating for clients, and working with my university on a professional level. Doing these things, I have gained skills and experiences that will last me throughout my career.

Portfolio Purpose:

This site’s purpose is to fulfill my final requirements, and look back at what has been done in the past semester of English 400! These assignments that will be highlighted helped me obtain the course objectives listed below:

1) engage in the process of citizen leadership by investigating multiple perspectives on important public issues

2) understand the nature of public discourse/debate as determined by purpose, audience, and context

3) choose appropriate formats in writing for a variety of purposes; 4) analyze the effectiveness of their own texts and processes for specific rhetorical situations

5) understand how the knowledge, skills, and values learned in general
education are interwoven and interrelated, and how they can contribute to the process of citizen leadership.



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