

Kinesiology is the study of body movements and it also comes from the Greek word for study of movement. Kinesiology study the body movement of human or non-human. Kinesiology addresses physiological and biomechanical functions as well as mechanisms of movement and mental health. This field includes professions as physical therapist, athletic trainers, strength and conditioning coach, personal trainer and many other healthcare related professions.


The first time kinesiology really had an impact was in 1964 by Dr. George Goodheart. He was a chiropractor, but before that he studied the strengths and weaknesses of the muscles in the human body. He claimed the strength or weakness correlated to the health or lack of health of specific corresponding organs.

Almost 10 years later he began the new study of Applied Kinesiology which motivated a few of Goodheart’s prodigies to start a group and look further in the study of muscle strength and the movement. The study was two-fold. Firstly, Clinical Kinesiology, which was a project that taught the scientists, to see through the central nervous system if muscle summation was balanced or not. Secondly, Energetic Kinesiology, which is a more specific feedback system that tells what responses the muscles give to the summation.

Later on, kinesiology has become a lot of different things. It varies from different types of kinesiology-based treatments to lifestyles and wellness.



These are a few sub-disciplines that can be achieved by being part of the kinesiology program.

  • Sport and Exercise Psychology – uses principles and scientific methods from psychology to study human behavior sport.
  • Motor Learning – Study of changes in motor behavior that are primarily the result of practice and experience
  • Exercise Physiology – study of the effects of various physical demands, particularly exercise, on the structure of the function of the body. Students will learn performance enhancement techniques and put them to life on and off the court or in and out of the exercise studio.
  • Human Movement Performance – designed for the practitioner/clinician that works with individuals engaged in various movement activities in both educational and clinical settings.
  • Sports Philosophy – examines sport from many different perspectives, including the study of nature of reality, the structure of knowledge in sport, ethical and moral questions, and the aesthetics of movement
  • Physical Education – Being a PE teacher to schools educating kids to be physically active by doing activities, sports, and educational lesson
  • Sports Medicine – Prevention and treatment of sports injuries.
  • Sport Sociology – Study of the role of sports in society.
  • Sport Management – Management, budgeting, facility management in sports.
  • Wellness and Fitness Management – designed for the practitioner who works with individuals in adopting and maintaining physically active and healthy lifestyle behaviors
  • Biomechanics – applies the methods of physics and mechanics to the study of human motion the and the motion of objects.



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HARK stands for Health, Athletic Training, Rcreation, Kinesiology, and it is a department on Longwood University. HARK aspires to inspire citizen leaders promote and educate about health. Longwood HARK programs include many ways to keep students, staff, and faculty fit and healthy. There are many programs in the recreational center created by HARK. HARK offer free personal trainers. They will then talk to you and ask you questions on your goal to help you get to where you want to be. Being part of a Kinesiology internship will help you to participate in the programs that are offered. Your health is their main concern. HARK also have dietitians on board and they are always available and will help you get on the path you desire. They can tell you everything you need to know to get and stay healthy.



Dr. Mike Mucedola
Dr. Mike Mucedola is the department chair and has a bachelor’s degree in physical education. He also has a master’s degree in health education, PhD in public health, and he is master certified health education specialist (MCHES).

Dr. Ann Bailey
Dr. Ann Bailey is the program coordinator and she has a bachelor’s degree from Old Dominion University. She also has a master’s degree from Virginia Commonwealth, and an Ed.D. from Nova Southeastern University.