
Throughout my ePortfolio, I provide a reflection regarding my work in English 400. Following my reflections, samples of my work from English 400 are presented in order to show how I used course content in my work along with evidence of the course learning outcomes. On the home page, I have shared information regarding my background and my studies while at Longwood University. The purpose for my ePortfolio can also be viewed on this page along with a quick review of the works written throughout the semester. The next page will consist of 5 course journal entries where I reflect on and how I was able to accomplish course learning outcome #1 & 2. With my rhetorical analysis, I discuss analyzing another individual’s work and how an effective argument persuades the audience. On my Common Good Project page, I explain how a number of the course learning outcomes were used and understood through the creation of this project.

This course has taught me a multitude of things, but has especially given me the ability and knowledge of how to persuade an audience in order to elicit action. I believe that this will be beneficial in my future endeavors while working in law enforcement. In law enforcement, it is important to understand how to write professionally and provide detailed notes of actions and processes that occurred. Surprisingly enough, many law enforcement professionals and myself will find these rhetorical tools useful when presenting evidence or taking the stand at court hearings. Overall, people use rhetorical tools and devices every day, often unintentionally. I believe that the knowledge and understanding of these tools will allow me to excel in my future endeavors and profession.