Final Project: 7 Ways that Studying US History 1877 to Modern Times History Shapes the Way You Think About Women’s Shifting Roles Throughout Time, 5/4/2020
For our final project, we had to create a “Buzzfeed” article that highlighted a reoccurring theme from our class. I chose women’s shifting roles throughout history because it was a theme that shocked me the most. I learned about how influential women’s roles were during world events, how women were used as scapegoats, etc. This project forced us to be creative in formatting but also informative. It was difficult to summarize such major events in a way that someone with little to no background knowledge would understand it. However, as a future teacher, I found it very helpful to practice this. I have never been very good at creative projects, so it was also fun for me to push myself to try something new. Similar to other classes, this project forced me to look at the class as a whole and be able to make connections from seven different lectures. In addition, we had to include primary and secondary sources, but they could only be ones we viewed in class. This was interesting to me because most projects include a research element. Instead, we were able to focus solely on the course itself.
My biggest issue I experienced with this project was time management. Because it was a final project, I had multiple other assignments that needed to be turned in at the same time. Because of this, I pushed it off until I was done with everything else. I had underestimated the amount of work that would need to go into it. In the future, I want to improve on balancing multiple projects at once instead of dedicating large chunks of time to one in particular. I also hope to improve more in a creative sense by being able to create things other than papers and presentations, especially as a future teacher.