As a student here at Longwood University, I have worked to develop myself into a strong citizen leader. I am a senior Biology major, concentrating in secondary education, who is excited to instill a love and understanding of science into my future students. Although I have a passion for science, I enjoy learning about all subjects, and I believe that they are all interwoven. Each discipline, while different from the others, is also connected in many ways and cannot be fully understood without learning about the connections within academia.
I am an Ambassador for Longwood, showing the school I call home to prospective students, families, and many other groups throughout the year. Another important part of my life here at Longwood is Alpha Chi Sigma, a professional Chemistry Fraternity, of which I am president of here at LU. These organizations involve many time commitments, but in my free time I enjoy volunteering, particularly with groups that support local children and animals.
Many aspects of the teaching field are going digital, and many current teachers were not educated on that while in college. My goal during this class is to find ways that I can use what I am learning in my future classroom. I can foresee a few ways that this may be possible, including, but not limited to, creating a blog for my students to follow, or teaching the students themselves how to create and maintain a blog and positive media presence. Identifying new ways to integrate technology in my classroom will help extend Longwood’s mission of forming citizen leaders beyond this campus and into my class.
The purpose of this blog is to explore the digital aspects of developing and maintaining a positive media presence. It will look at the various ways that that process can be hindered or aided during one’s time on social media and other online platforms.