SOC 220

I am an extrovert, I’m black, I’m very physically active, I’m straight, I’m a male, I’m 20 years old, I’m a mixed-race child, I’m single, My parents are married, I live in America from Virginia. I want to work and live in Texas. I’m a college student so I want to make 45 to 70 k out of college. I like to play basketball and watch anime, I can say my recreational habits, I believe in god but I’m not religious. I want to graduate college and maybe go back to school later in life. I want a job where I can move around but I also have an area where I can sit down and focus. I would dress casually but still in nicer clothes. I’ve worked at Busch Gardens for 2 years, at Ford for a year, and at the bowling alley for a year. My parents are middle-class workers. They were both in the military but we did not always have the money to do everything. Yes, I would love to potentially. I want to have kids before the age of 27 but no sooner than 25 

The four most important things are getting closer to my faith, getting a good job, moving to somewhere I feel at home, and getting married at some point in my life.

Getting closer to my faith can translate into the love I want to feel. You can choose faith and you have to choose what you believe in. Faith lets me understand who I am and why I was put on the earth. It will make me stronger with myself and stronger with the Lord. My role with faith is interesting because it is something that can be someone’s reason to do what they do. I want faith to be in my life telling the day that I am not breathing. Faith is a thing that makes you feel like you belong and matter. To me, this is a connection to how important I am in someone’s life. I believe that if you have a strong connection with your faith then you have a strong sense of self-worth as well.

The next thing that is important to me is getting a good job. Getting a job that can provide for myself and my family is the thing that matters the most to me. A job that will pay for all the expenses in life is the thing that will change my outlook on how much success I’ve had in life. All the struggle and frustration I have will change when I get a job that is worth all the stress and hard times. I do get to choose what job I have which gives me a chance to learn about what I should and shouldn’t be good at. My role in life is to get a good job and provide for people who love and support me.

Where I live after college is a choice that has a lot of environmental factors. Efficacy is something that goes into my choice of where to live. My life decisions and what I do with my life means a lot. I want to live somewhere I belong and feel important. It matters to me where I settle down and make a difference somewhere. My role is to be the one who finds a good community and a good area to stay.

Marriage is the most important factor in my life. It is the things that make the hardest part of life go by easier than normal. You get to choose your partner for life so you have to be able to talk to people and understand how life is. That is something that I want to be able to say I did. Getting married will fulfill what I long for in life and make me feel like I matter to someone. My role in marriage is to be a father and a husband. Protect my partner and family.

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