Honors Enhancement: MUSC 331 History of Music I

My first Honors Enhancement was for one of my History of Music classes. In this class, we studied Western music history from Ancient Greek/Rome to the Classical Era. For my enhancement, I researched Baroque period ornamentation in instrumental music. The first part of my research involved reading the literature of several experts in the field of Baroque music (primary/secondary sources) to learn about their recommendations. I then picked a piece of music that I happened to be studying, listened to several professional performers’ interpretations of that piece (modern/Baroque players), and transcribed their musical choices as it related to phrasing and ornamentation. Afterward, I compared these musical choices to the recommendations in my sources and produced a table summarizing the findings. Over the course of my research, my enhancement advisor was key in helping me hash out and comprehend the dense text of my sources. In addition, being able to apply the findings to my own performance was a great way to transfer what I had learned about Baroque music.