Letter to Senior Self

Dear Senior Self,

Although I have only had one year of college, my experiences with the Cormier Honors College and the rest of Longwood have helped me develop a clearer understanding of what I see for myself in the next couple of years. By the time you are reading this again, I’m sure will have become an even more advanced flute player and musician, and you will have discovered more about your identity as a teacher of music. I have no doubt that you are considering plans for the future that account for where you might be able to teach, graduate school, how to continue to incorporate performing into your life, etc. Although all those things are crucial, I am here to remind you to not forget about the three pillars that you learned about and participated in during your first couple weeks at Longwood: scholarship, service, and community. Through the past couple of years, you have challenged yourself academically in your classes, and thus fulfilling the pillar of scholarship. Although you are graduating soon and it seems like not worrying about grades will lift a big weight off of your shoulders (at least for a little while), don’t ever forget about the importance of learning. Try to find every opportunity to challenge yourself within your profession and learn about new topics. As for service, always find ways that you can give back to your community, whether that is through volunteering at a local food bank, helping an elderly person with groceries, or performing at a church function for free, there is always work to be done! Lastly, always remember that no matter where you end up after graduation, there is always going to be a community that you can be a part of. While you may find a new community in another city, you will always be a part of the Longwood community.