Posted by John Eddy

Letter to Senior Self


First, let me congratulate you on making it through your undergraduate studies! I’m so proud that you pushed through the inevitable adversities that you faced during the past four years. Starting with the COVID-19 pandemic and online transition for your classes, you persevered and continued to put 110 percent into each assignment, lecture, and presentation that you have done. I have no doubts that other challenges will arise, but I have full faith that you will push through those as well. Hopefully, you finished out your studies as strongly as you started them, with the coveted 4.0 GPA, but if not, don’t beat yourself up over it, it’s not the end of the world. I hope that you have met all of your goals, both academically and socially. I hope that you continued to participate in as many on-campus activities and traditions as possible, which is what drew you to Longwood in the first place. I hope that you continued to challenge yourself in the classroom as well as on the wrestling mat. I sincerely hope that we have the NCWA championship that we so desired when we began to wrestle for the club team. I know that you have created a great network of resources, both through connections with your professors and your colleagues, to set yourself up for the best possible career. I hope that you got out of your dorm room more than you did your freshman year and made countless new friends that will continue to support you through anything. One piece of advice, once you get the big-time software development job that you desire, don’t forget your journey. This adventure has molded you into the person that you are today and I wish that you cherish every moment of it. Every struggle, every success, and every failure. Everything happens for a reason and I hope that you take every failure as a chance to better yourself and improve yourself in ways you never imagined!

I am proud of you!

-Freshman Year John

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