
“Anna reports to work at eight o’clock sharp.

Traffic had been especially rough this morning. In the ten steps it had taken her to get from her mattress—which smells like an ocean breeze now, thanks to the quarter-full fabric spray she’d fished out of a dumpster yesterday afternoon, though she’s fairly certain that’s not what either oceans or breezes smell like—to the front windows, she’d managed to trip no less than half a dozen times. It’s her own fault, really. She’s the one who had left all of her stuff lying about. It had seemed like a strategic move at the time. After all, if she can’t cross the room without injuring herself, then uninvited guests can’t do it, either.”

— An excerpt from “Anna’s Cafe”




“I’ve helped rescue and foster many cats over the years. From injured ferals to hours-old newborns, I’ve encountered a wide spectrum of challenges while trying to meet their unique needs. For better or worse, each animal has changed me. Every success has reminded me that my actions can make a difference in this world, while every failure is a solemn lesson learned. But it’s my latest case, more than any other, that has had the greatest impact on my path as a rescuer.”

— An excerpt from “Teddy”

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