Independent Samples T-Test

Table 1
Comparison between with Child and Parent’s Relationship with Child

Variable                                                  Mean                                             T
Spent 5 hours or less                           9.26                                           -2.69***
Spent 5.1-10+ hours                            9.86
Note. Time spent with child was recoded from 0-10 into two groups. Group 1 contains all reports of spending 5 hours or less, Group 2 contains all reports of spending 5.1 to 10 hours or more.
P>0.05*, P>0.01**, P>0.001***

An independent samples t-test was conducted to compare the amount of hours parents interaction with their children on a typical day and their ratings of their relationships with their children which resulted in a t-score of -2.69. As reported in Table 1, the independent samples t-test found that there is a significant difference between the scores at the p>0.001 level. These results means that we reject the null hypothesis because there is a significant difference in the rating of parent-child relationships based on the amount of hours parents spend interacting with their children on a typical day.