
Table 1

The Influence between Effectiveness of Discussing the Emotions from the Stress Balloon Activity in Families and Parent-Child Relationships

                                            Estimate          Sd            T-value             P-value                R-Squared

Activity’s effectiveness     0.6525       0.4275           1.526                0.1352                   0.0578
in discussing emotions


Note. When testing for significance, various P-values were considered.
P>0.05*, P>0.01**, P>0.001***

I hypothesized that families who found the Stress Ball Balloon Activity effective in helping them discuss emotions would rate their parent-child relationships higher. In other words, the effectiveness of the activity in helping families discuss emotions would influence the self-ranking of family closeness/relationship.
Parent’s rank of their relationship with their child increases 0.6525 units for every one unit increase in how effective the Stress Ball Balloon Activity was at helping them discuss emotions with their children. Therefore, it appears that subjective relationship status and ease of discussion about emotions are positively related. However, this finding is not significant (p = 0.1352). The R2 statistic is 0.0578, meaning that this model explains 0.5 percent of the variation in the dependent variable (rating of parent-child relationship). No relationship can be discerned between the effectiveness of helping families discuss emotions and self-ranked family relationships.