Letter to Senior Self

Dear Crystal,

First off, I would like to tell you how proud I am of you for making it all the way and doing such a great job at completing something like this. I don’t know how to write this letter because I am wondering if I should write what I would want hear in the end of this journey or maybe I should write what I feel right now. Either way, I know that what I write would be a reflection to how much growth you have gone through. I hope that you kept yourself. I hope that you achieved what you knew and wanted to achieve. I hope that what you have imagined this moment to be like to at least comes to somewhat of a reality. I hope you found true friends and true relationships. I hope that you have learned from this journey and that you have picked the path that God has set out for you. I pray that from hence forth you will continue to be strong in your virtue and be great at whatever you put your mind to. I know it was tough deciding exactly what you wanted to do and whether if the journey you have now completed was the right one for you. But I hope that from the great accolades that you have reaped, you now understand how the choice you made was the right one. From now on you must believe in yourself and keep achieving greater things. Do not let anyone make you believe that you are less than or that what you set your mind too is of a fantasy. Dream as much as you want cause at least you can get he least of what you dream. Do what you can and let God take care of the rest. Remember what the end of Sophomore year felt like? Make that feeling happen each year. Conquer Conquer Conquer.


Ps: Be you, be tough, be loving. Congratulations and Amen.