Study Abroad- Junior Year in Munich

The spring semester of my sophomore year I was able to participate in a fantastic study abroad experience. Due to my German major, I had the opportunity to live in Munich, Germany for 4 months! I took 5 classes at the Junior Year in Munich building including: Munich and National Socialism, German Culture, Literature in Exile, Art in Munich and a grammar course. I lived in student housing for the University of Munich, so I was surrounded by German students and also tons of international students. Not only was I immersed into German university life, I was also able to travel around Europe on the weekends. The places I visited included Barcelona, Amsterdam, Rome, Naples, Paris, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Pula and so many more! This experience challenged me because going into it I knew 1 other person, but other than that I was thrown into the situation and had to figure many things out on my own. I really grew as an individual and in my independence, and I am really hoping I can have another experience like this one day!

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