HONS-495: Special Topic: Critical Looking

I took this class as a continuation of my citizen course in fall semester. I loved that class, and wanted to continue thinking and learning like I had in that class. HONS-495 was taught by the same professor as my CTZN-110 course was. This course ended up being a much smaller class size, only 5 student all together. This actually aloud us many freedoms, and we were able to make more plans and do more things because of the small size of our class. Field trips were less of a hassle, and group projects ( or what would have been our group project at the end of the year) were easier to start on. We all became familiar with each other, and we were able to have an easier flow when conversing. I like to think we were all friends in, and outside, of class. We got to talk to artist and learn what their thought process and reasoning were. We focused a lot of thought on the exhibit at the LCVA, The Mountain Lake exhibit. We tried using techniques and ideas from this exhibit and other pieces of art, for our own, creating our own art. This was a huge part of the course to me. Creating is a learning experience like none other. It is wholly yours, and you feel and see and experience first hand what it is. I plan on keeping every piece of art I made in this class, and I am only sad that my time to create was cut short this semester. Creating without judgement and pressure from others is a treasure in this world that only children might truly understand.

attached is a photo of my final for this class. I created this rainbow for the kids in my neighborhood because of the pandemic. I wanted them to see something beautiful while being forced to stay home.