HIST-225-50: US History 1877-Modern Times

Let me just start by saying this course was amazing! This is coming from a girl whose dad was a history major, which means he is always explains things to me and telling me what history white guy lived in that house on the hill. History was not my favorite, but this course was amazing (as I mentioned earlier)! The professor was definitely a huge part of this. She taught lectures as if she were letting us in on the inside joke between her and history, and it was great. I cried in the class because of what I learned, not because what I learned was great, but history has many dark days, but because she showed us first hand accounts, interviews, pictures, documents of the actual event. That is far more impactful than any textbook could say. This also one of my more work intensive courses. We had many reading to do every week. We had to annotate documents and read essays, it was tireless, but worth it. I’ve never felt as well informed on historical events than I have today, and just random dates, but movements I am still passionate about. An informed person can make better decisions, and that is now me. That is not to say that there isn’t still more to learn, because knowledge is infinite and unending, but I feel one step closer, and one step farther from ignorance.

I’m attaching my History Final because it is something I am deeply proud of and used all my knowledge in this course to make. History finalĀ 

(This can also be found under the Civitae Pillar Courses tab)