THEA 101: Issues in Theatre

I took this course in the fall semester of 2019. In this course, I learned about the different types of theatre, important and influential figures in the theatre world, and ways that theatre impacted and reflected the community. I took this course because I have always been interested in theatre and wanted to continue to be connected to the community. One of the things I found interesting was the fact that everyone in the class, and all theatre classes, had to go to all the performances the university was putting on for the semester. I saw 3 total plays that semester because of this requirement, and we always had to write a well and informed review of it after. Our professor told us, “you don’t have to like the play. You can even hate it, but you have to tell me why, and it has to be a real reason.” I found this strange, and took it to heart, because that can be true about most things in life. And what is acting, but a reflection of life, represented in the given circumstances of the stage.

We learned a lot about the staging and construction aspects of theatre because our professor was the Technical Director. For one assignment, we had to build a mini version of the stage, and show what we would build and do if we were in charge of the of the construction and idea board of the set for the play The Dumb Waiter. Here was the brainstorm and inspiration my partner and I used. dumb waiter brainstorm