MATH 135: Mathematical Modeling in Finan

Math used to be the only thing I was good at. My mom, wanting to capitalize on this sign of promise, sent me to math camp for 5 consecutive summers. Complaining aside, I loved math. I messed up in every other class, but in this one I was on par with everyone else, which was something I desperately wanted to be. I did not, however, want to be a math teacher, that was not in my cards. I stopped being as interested in math during high school, but this class re-sparked my interest all over again. Not only could I figure out how to apply what I learned in that class to what my daily life, but my professor encouraged us and showed us how. I know many people say this, but when will I ever apply graphs and y=mx+b. Well, he showed me how, which I guess was the point of the class. I loved it, and l loved learning about it. Things always add up and have a solution in that class, there are no moral dilemmas and there is sum kind of simplicity to it (hehe see what I did there). I know we can’t live life like that, but math is like a nice escape from writing essays. To me at least.

This was one of the 2 papers we had to write for class, where we are given a scenario, have to solve for it, and then write to a friend, convincing them of what the facts show and what might be in their best interest. I found this to be quite enjoyable.Math paper #1