
Final thoughts:

Creating my Citizenship Writing ePortfolio has made me realize how much I have truly learned in English 400. I have learned important life lessons and take away points throughout this course through the course journals, rhetorical analysis, and Common Good Project we conducted, which I can and will use in my future. The skills I learn will help me in my senior year, here at Longwood University, but also when I apply to graduate school and hopefully throughout graduate school. In my future, I hope to be a Speech Language Pathologist and with that I will have to be able to communicate well with many individuals. Whether it is a client, parent of my client, teacher, counselor, or principle, I will use the skills I learned from this class and previous classes in my field of expertise to better others. With this, I will have to realize the audience I am communicating with and understand the context so I can benefit and inform my clients and parents about what is happening. With this, I have to keep in mind the perspectives of the parents of my clients because this is all new to them. Therefore, I will use the knowledge I learned from undergrad to communicate and help them understand what all this news means. I hope to continue on building on the skills I learned in this class to be a  better active citizen in my community. I hope to motivate and inspire those around me to become an active citizen and try to better the world one step at a time.