

Hi everyone! Welcome to my Citizenship Writing Portfolio! Here you will find my assignments from, English 400, that I have written throughout the semester. You can view my course journals, rhetorical analysis, Common Good Project, and a conclusion page which each tab will provide you with a reflection of each assignment.

Information about who I am:

My name is Lindsey Cosner. I have lived in Fredericksburg, Virginia for my entire life. I am currently a junior at Longwood University, majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders with a minor in Special Education. I will graduate in May of 2019 then proceed to graduate school to attain my master’s degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders. With that degree, I plan on pursuing my dream of becoming a Speech Language Pathologist. I am currently involved in the academic club for my major which is the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA).  During the summer, I work for the Virginia Outdoor Center with customer service which has taught me how to interact professionally with others. I am a people-person and I love what I am doing now and what I will be doing in the future. I have also babysat for two families for many years which has taught me patience, care, and the love for children. Patience is definitely the key for working with small children. Overall, with college and work, it has improved my communications skills tremendously and has helped me be an active citizen in the community and in the classroom.

The purpose and content of this ePortfolio:

The reason for this portfolio is to display my assignments from English 400.  There are many informal writing pieces which include the course journal entries. They were on topics that we had to discuss in detail, which we pulled from our classroom textbook, Rhetoric in Civic Life by Catherine Helen Palczewski. Next we had to conduct a more formal piece that we had to complete which was the Rhetorical analysis. The artifact I chose to dissect was of a sermon.Throughout this course, these writing assignments have improved my writing skills and pushed me outside of my comfort zone. They have also helped me learned to inform others, whether they are in the same class or out in the community.

Listed below are the Course Learning Outcomes that we had to integrate and develop a better understanding of each one throughout our assignments, class, and everyday class. With this, we can later use it in our futures as an active citizen.

The Course Learning Outcomes:

1) Engage in the process of citizen leadership by investigating multiple perspectives on important public issues;

2) Understand the nature of public discourse/debate as determined by purpose, audience, and context;

3) Choose appropriate formats in writing for a variety of purposes;

4) Analyze the effectiveness of their own texts and processes for specific rhetorical situations;

5) Understand how the knowledge, skills, and values learned in general education are interwoven and interrelated, and how they can contribute to the process of citizen leadership.