
My Honors Courses:

Math 171

                This class was one of my favorite classes not only because I am a student who favors math but because the professor was very helpful. She was always ready to help me when I was unable to figure out a question. She would not given you the answer instead she would sit alongside you and help you along the way to complete the problem. The professor was also very straightforward and gave clear directions about what was expected for assignments. I really liked this about her because I was never left wondering if I was missing anything or if I was doing it correctly.

Education 245

                Before taking my Childhood and Early development class, I did not realize the impact that the environment of the child growing up plays on in their development as an adult. Before taking the class, I never really understood why everyone thought and acted so differently, but after taking the class I learned that the people and places around someone during their childhood are what made them. I learned in this class to try and look at people to figure out why they act this way or why do they think this way. This class will help me in my future career as a nurse because it will help me better understand my patients.


                In my bioethics class, I learned many different things. Along with the curriculum, I learned something that I call a life lesson. The main life lesson I learned while taking this class was you cannot judge anything or anybody until you really learn about them. The professor never once said this directly, but it was I took away from the lesson that he taught us. Before taking the class, I would say that I was very set in my ways about certain things, but after taking the class my mindset has changed when it comes to new and different topics. I took this away from this class, because of the way my professor taught us. Apart from the curriculum was to learn about some very controversial topics like abortion, physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia, and genetic engineering while taking the class. When my professor taught us these topics, he always kept an open mind and never judged me or anyone in the class when they expressed their personal opinions about the topics. This is a very important life lesson that I learned and hope to have the same composure as my professor when having to talk about these difficult topics.