Blog #7: On Disability

The Star Wars movie franchise has plenty of characters with disabilities. From Anakin Skywalker to Finn, disability is shown throughout the Star Wars movies. Is disability an issue in the Star Wars franchise?

Disability is an issue for the Star Wars franchise. Darth Vader is shown as a typical villain stereotype being defined by his disability. Darth Vader’s disability turns him into a machine rather than a human. Left for dead by Obi-wan, Palpatine’s droids piece Anakin Skywalker back together. The suit that Darth Vader wears is the only thing keeping him alive, the suit is portrayed as life support with a helmet that allows him to breathe in oxygen. The series shows Darth Vader go through disability, which makes him disfigured, and then he is pieced together with mechanical parts and shown as not human. This showing of Darth Vader being disabled and put back together makes the viewer see that the reliance on technology is a loss of humanity.

Star Wars has portrayed disabled characters poorly in the current time, in the past Star Wars did well with portrayal. In the expanded universe of Star Wars disability was shown in a much more respectful and correct representation. The representation of a disabled person in the expanded universe showed more the character more as themselves and not as a typical stereotype of a disabled person.

In the expanded universe Tenel Ka Djo, a disabled character, was able to adjust her techniques to work best with her disability. Her disability is not shown as being good or bad or reincarnation like Darth Vader’s.

Do you think the Star Wars franchise will be able to represent disabled people in a more respectful way?