Blog #6: On Sexuality

The LGBTQ community is extremely underrepresented in popular culture. In the television, music, and film industry there are very few LGBTQ roles. Recently, the LGBTQ community has been fighting for theirs equality and it is slowly working.

Television: In the television industry 94.9% are heterosexuals and the other 5.1% are in some way part of the LGBTQ community. In the television show, The Office, only one character is part of the LGBTQ community. Oscar, was one of the few openly gay characters during the time of the airing of the television show. Now, more characters are shown are being part of the LGBTQ community and most of them are played by actual LGBTQ members. In the television show, Modern Family, there is a married couple that identify as being gay and their friend group has a couple LGBTQ members as well. All the LGBTQ characters are played by actual LGBTQ community members.

Music: In the music industry there are some top artists that identify as being part of the LGBTQ community. Lady Gaga, a female recording artist, identifies as being bisexual and that has not stopped her from getting her fame. Another bisexual music artist is Ke$ha, both Ke$ha and Gaga had four Top 100 songs on the Billboard Top 100 in 2010. There are more and more LGBTQ members that are on the rise in the music and industry and there is no slowing them down.

Film: In the film industry the need for LGBTQ is on the rise. More and more movies are being made about LGBTQ movements, members, and ideas; because of this directors are looking for actual LGBTQ members to portray these characters.