Blog #4: On Class

In Pop Culture Freaks Identity Mass Media and Society by Dustin Kidd, he talks about class perspectives. The ideas of ruling class are in every time period. Television shows us many class perspectives.

In this section of the book, how you get money, the idea of hard work is lost and no longer gets promoted. The stuff after you get the money is shown a lot more. They show the other stuff because it catches the audiences attention more than the hard work aspect. To be on top of the class you need to be able to spend as much as you want when you want. Budgets are not a problem and there is nothing that says you can only buy necessities. Dustin Kidd mentions two television shows, Modern Family and The Jefferson’s. Kidd points out how as an audience sees the families with all their stuff, yet we do not see how they get the money to buy all of their stuff.

Kidd also talks about class invisibility, which is the lack of seeing accurately. The representations of the class systems are misrepresented. Movies went through a censorship in order to to stop people from questioning the order of things.

In Star Wars, you see many people in slavery and many people with it all. You never see how the people get the money to get the stuff they want. Where do the Jedis get the money from to have all the expensive air crafts and extraordinary hidden bases?