Web Page Design and Scripting

This was a course that introduced many aspects of client- and server-side scripting in a short amount of time. Before taking this class, I had no idea just how much scripting and how many languages exist that go into creating web pages. After finishing this course, I now realize that fitting the basics of web design and scripting into one semester meant we only had time to barely scratch the surface of everything we touched on.

I definitely enjoyed learning how to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in order to make my web pages look more uniform and organized, as well as aesthetically pleasing to look at. It gave me the opportunity to be creative and have fun with my assignments. That’s what I liked most about having the honors aspect of this course: the ability to do more and to have more free reign on my choice of not only my CSS scripting, but the scripting of other languages too, like HTML, JavaScript, and JQuery.

Here is an example of my work from this course, where you can see the CSS in play.