
Welcome to my ePortfolio! I am going to display my assignment from Professional Writing, ENGL 470. You can view my Brochure, Press Release, and Professional Report. I have also included a Reflection of each assignment and a conclusion summarizing my ePortfolio and what I have learned from this class.

Professional Profile

My name is Mason Carver. I am a Junior Communication Sciences and Disorders major. I plan to graduate from Longwood University in May 2023. I am involved in my major’s National Honor Society, KDPi, and involved in NSSLHA, National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association. During the school year, I work as a server at a local restaurant called “North Street Press Club”. This job enables me to grow my customer service and communication skills. While on break, I am an Assistant Teacher at a childcare center working with young children. I have a passion for working with kids and I want to continue doing so in a future career! Working with kids has shown me how to be patient, communicate efficiently, and work with a wide variety of individuals whether that’s another coworker, child, or parent. Throughout this course and my assignments, these skills I have acquired helped me when doing these assignments.


The purpose of this ePortfolio is to display my assignments completed in English 470. I took this class in the Fall 2021 semester. The Correspondence was our first assignment. this consisted of the Bad-News Letter and The Persuasive Letter. The purpose of this assignment was to write two letters, one has to give someone bad news, and the other trying to persuade an individual to side with us. For the bad newsletter, I chose to go with the scenario “You are a Terrapin city councilor who has received a letter from a citizen asking you to speed up
the repair of several potholes on his or her street. Making up any additional details that you need, write a letter to this city resident making the citizen understand and accept why this can’t be done for several months”. For the persuasive letter, I went with a similar scenario where I was trying to persuade a local councilor as a citizen that potholes on the street I live on needed to be fixed right away.

The next two projects were in a group, creating a brochure of an imaginary product or service that we as a “company” created. our team decided to come up with soundproof paint where we then had to create a one-page Press Release announcing our product to the media following a 6-panel brochure promoting our product. Our Company name was called “The Proof” and our Product being called “Proof Paint”.

Lastly, In the same groups as prior we had to write a Professional Report. My group and I chose to write a guide to the careers in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Major. We chose this topic because I and another group member are majoring in this field as our third group member is an English major. we thought this would be a great way to tie our fields together. The three careers we chose to focus on were Audiologist, Speech Pathologist, and Speech Pathologist Assistant.

Through these projects and assignments, I am able to confidently say I was able to achieve the course learning outcomes listed below. I am able to analyze and produce writing genres according to the rhetorical situation of workplace contexts through writing a Bad-News Letter and a Persuasive Letter. I can create professional documents that use plain English principles (to the target audience). I achieved this outcome by creating both letters as well as a professional report. I am able to conduct research to create content for a variety of professional documents (memos, letters, reports, etc.) and create professional documents that use design principles. The Brochure and Professional Report helped me with this outcome. I can practice oral communication skills to present content effectively (enhanced with multimedia tools). The Professional Report helped me with this outcome because we were able to present what we wrote about to our class. Lastly, I can participate productively in collaborative projects. The majority of our projects were in a group, The Brochure/Press Release, and the Professional Report. It required a lot of collaboration with one another and overall I was successful.

Course Learning Outcomes

1) analyze and produce writing genres according to the rhetorical situation of workplace contexts;
2) create professional documents that use plain English principles (to targeted audience);
3) conduct research to create content for a variety of professional documents (memos, letters, reports, etc.);
4) create professional documents that use design principles;
5) practice oral communication skills to present content effectively (enhanced with multimedia tools);
6) participate productively in collaborative projects.