Letter to Senior Self

September 27, 2018

Dear Senior self,

Right now, I am finishing up my eighth week here freshman year. Its already been such a hectic journey. I hope by now you have figured out how to do everything you love because I certainly have not. I currently haven’t figured out how to keep playing volleyball with my crazy schedule involving SGA, the honors classes, LIFESTEM requirements, and Preprofessional health club (if you ever actually go to a meeting). I hope that one day you can figure out how to fit volleyball into your schedule because you enjoyed playing it so much. I also hope you know that winning freshman class president was an amazing experiences, and I wonder if you will continue until your senior class president; however if that is not the case, no one will be upset at you for pursuing a different commitment. Everyone is already so proud of you.

As far as academics go, I am interested to see if you stuck with Chemistry for all four years. As of right now my plan is to go to VCU Pharmacy school, but who knows, maybe you will decide on another profession. I am also really excited about starting research and experiencing something brand new! I wonder how that research went. Right now, college is beginning to accelerate and advance, and I know its tough, but I believe you can pull through Willa great GPA at the end of this. Even though graduating in three years would allow you to come out of Longwood with no debt, taking out a loan and graduating in four years could be one of the best decisions you made. Whatever happens here at Longwood, I hope you remember how happy you are right now that you chose this school. It was such a difficult decision for you, yet at the same time, every moment you thought or visited this place, it just felt right. I never could explain it, it was just a gut feeling and boy, did it pay off. 

Next semester, I intend to rush a sorority. I am completely torn between two (you know which ones) and there are also a couple more I am considering. I know whatever choice you make, it’s gonna be an amazing experience. One thing I hope you never lose is your friends. Don’t ever forget about your high school friends because they are some of the most kind, thoughtful, and life-loving people I have ever met, who took you in and loved you. Your friends that you have just made now are also great people. I hope you stay in touch with them throughout the years. Every single one of them. I wonder if your mom and rod ever got married, is Rachel happy with her life right now, and I believe your dad will still be difficult to deal with, but he loves you a lot. My mom is my best friend and I truly pray that she is happy in four years. Lastly, I hope that you got that dog junior year as I plan to right now. 

I know that its probably been a crazy couple of years, but you made it. Your future is starting. I hope you live your life to the fullest. 


Freshman Ellie

P.S. I know you might think this all is corny as you’re reading it, but I also know your probably tearing up thinking back at this time in your life.