Editorial Cartoon on a Significant Issue

What do you think, when you hear the word cartoon? When I think of cartoons, I usually think Spongebob. I think American Dad or Family Guy.

But in terms of politics, there is always a satirical side to it. That’s where editorial cartoons come into play.

Editorial Cartoons are almost always meant to make a joke of someone or something that is serious. They usually contain moralistic lessons.

You know ’em.

Especially in the Trump era, where I’d say 99% of people just can’t bear to attempt to take him seriously anymore.


I have attempted to watch Star Wars, once, when I was babysitting and I fell asleep and they didn’t pay me. But I still get the joke. Trump is the “Father” of the Republican Party. Not all fathers are good and not everyone likes their own father, but it’s their father, never the less. The family aspect seems to be an important aspect to a majority of society so this brings in a family aspect, as well as a popular movie that people know about.


Nice try, Trump.


I think we can all take a lesson to “tell the truth, tell if early, tell it often”.